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About Dr. Spicer
Dr. Spicer holds a doctorate in Clinical Psychology with a specialty in Neuropsychology. As an Expert Clinical Psychologist, Executive Life Coach, Certified Brain Health Coach, and Neuropsychologist Expert, she has helped thousands of people worldwide achieve success and attain their goals.

Online Therapy and Coaching
I’m a Licensed Psychologist, Neuropsychological Expert, and EMDR Therapist providing Online Therapy to busy individuals who want to reduce clinical disorders such as anxiety, depression, or insomnia, or to achieve peak performance and success in all areas of daily living.

Brain Health Coaching and Brainwave Therapy
I am a Certified Brain Health Coach through the Amen Clinics and I have recorded and produced a collection of brainwave audios through my company, Brainwave Technologies. Combined with my training as a neuropsychological expert, these factors provide me with a unique foundation to help you optimize your brain power...

I conduct psychological and neuropsychological evaluations for children, teens, and adults with many diverse diagnoses including cognitive disorders, ADHD, learning disabilities, Autism, and brain injuries. I also perform forensic evaluations in legal cases involving disability, child abuse, divorce, and criminal matters...
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Replace the habit of constant worry with a routine of relaxation.

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How to get in touch with me
The easiest way is to schedule your complimentary phone consultation with me through my online booking calendar, and I will call you at the designated time. No hassle, no phone tag, a time that is convenient to you and you speak directly with me.